Video and Animation

Clean, Light, Compelling, and Authentic

Here, you’ll find more information about the format, methodology and animation style we use for videos at Emarsys.

Download Emarsys Video Creation Assets


All aspects of the Logo section apply to video as well. The animated logo will be shown at the beginning and end of a video. There are separate “IN” and “OUT” videos, to allow time for a clean cross dissolve out of/into white.

Please only use the animated logo .mp4 provided.

Depending on the use case, an asset may precede or replace the logo animation in parts of the video. When the logo is shown in a video, see correct and incorrect logo usage here.

Typeface and Typography

For Headlines, mark-ups, and running text, we use 72 Brand.

Headlines, Callouts, etc use 72 Brand Medium or Bold. Running text uses 72 Brand Regular.

The standard text color is Black (#000000) on a light background.

Stay consistent with font weight throughout the video

Please emphasize either with a different font weight (regular – bold) or use color eg. Peri 7 (

Readability is important

Always keep in mind your videos will be viewed on a mobile device. Always have enough contrast between text and its background. Use our Color Palette, and do not overlay text on busy backgrounds.

Contrast the size of visual elements and font weight and mind the space in your composition.

For branded social captions (burned-in/embedded), Premiere Pro “.prtextstyle” presets will be provided

[Video samples]

When converting a transcript to captions, use single-line; For portrait/vertical, max 20-40 characters, for Landscape, max 47-55 characters.

Brand Colors and Color Grading

For on-screen graphics, we typically use Periwinkle Blue tones in combination with white and grey 1 (#F5F6F7). See the Colors Brandguide page.

We strive for a clean and professional appearance while allowing essential information to stand out. Exceptions may apply for different types of videos, e.g. campaign designs.

Color Correction / Grading – Strive for pure whites and blacks, with skin tones appearing natural, using the skin tone line/indicator on a vectorscope as a guide; An overall well-balanced and well-exposed image — no heavy color grading/stylization.

Finished footage should have a “Rec-709-like” image that is bright, clean, and has natural saturation and contrast levels.

Deliverable Quality and Resolution

Deliverables typically received as H.264 .mp4, 8-10Mbps (Adobe Match Source – High Bitrate preset).

Occasionally/per project: Also ProRes 422 HQ .mov, or other project-specific custom deliverable/preset specs.

Aspect Ratio and Resolution

  • Standard/Horizontal/Landscape (16x9)
    1280 x 720 for HD delivery
    1920 x 1080 for FHD delivery
    3840 x 2160 for 4K delivery
  • Portrait (4x5)
    720 x 900 for HD delivery
    1080 x 1350 for FHD delivery
    2160 x 2700 for 4K delivery
  • Vertical (9x16)
    720 x 1280 for HD delivery
    1080 x 1920 for FHD delivery
    2160 x 3840 for 4K delivery
  • Square (1x1)
    720 x 720 for HD delivery
    1080 x 1080 for FHD delivery
    2160 x 2160 for 4K delivery

Frames per second project-dependent on footage provided, typically 24, 25, or 30.

File Naming

Utilize the Project Name and Job Number provided by your Emarsys contact as follows:

  • Project Folder Name and PR + AE Project File naming as follows:
    [Job #]_[Asset Type]-[Project Name]
    E.g. 24-001_OD-Emarsys+PUMA Omnichannel Webinar
  • Export deliverable and sequence/timeline naming as follows:
    [Asset Type]-[Campaign/Series*]-[Brand Featured]-[Clip Name]_[Version]-[Language]-[Ratio*]-[CC*]-[Job Number]
    * if applicable
    E.g. SNPT-NRF 2023-PUMA-Visibility into Loyalty and Referrals Changes the Game of Communication for PUMA_v1-EN-4x5-CC-22-103

No special characters or symbols are allowed, but spaces are allowed. Spaces should not appear on either side of a hyphen or underscore.

Folder Structure, Font and Animated logo available here, request the password from your Emarsys contact.

Animation and Motion Graphics

In general, we are looking for a clean, fresh, and light feel.

Our brand design consists of solid colored straight shapes in 2D space; avoid gradients, odd shapes, and 3D elements. The colored shapes can be used to transition between scenes, to put emphasis on something, or to show more information.

Embrace the white space in the design

Avoid animating in a generic way that does not correspond to the individual objects if possible.
Please avoid heavy or strange effects, adjust your motion curves to give nuanced, realistic easing – most keyframes should not be linear.

Add an extra level of polish and realism whenever possible

  • Use animation principles
  • Use anticipation, overlapped timing of different layers, arced motion curves, and very subtle use of overshoot.
  • Avoid excessive overshoot, non-overlapped timing, and heavy effects
  • Timing is key
  • We want to move quickly, but let the content have enough time to clearly get the message across

We distinguish 2 types of motion graphics:

Tier 1 - Basic

Screen recordings and add light animation (on screen text callouts, highlighting, zooms).

Tier 2 - Advanced

UI is recreated as artwork/design files which allows for more dynamic animation and transitions.

Involves an Emarsys graphic designer more heavily than Tier 1.

Music and Sound

Dialogue/Speakers need to peak at -3dB. The speaker tone should be -6dB.

The music bed under the speaker should be -26dB to -30dB and should have an EQ notch filter to not compete with the same vocal frequencies as the speaker. When there is no one speaking, music should peak no higher than -6dB.

The entire video should have a -1dB Hard Limit applied via the Premiere Pro Track Mixer Master Track.

Background music should always be instrumental only.

Please utilize music that matches the desired energy/pacing of your video.

Be careful not to let your music get repetitive.

Avoid letting a single music track run through the whole video on videos longer than 2-3mins.

Ensure Copyright – editor is responsible for providing a music license upon delivery of project files if a music track was not provided to them.

General Vocal treatment via Track Mixer

  • DeReverb/DeNoise with Gain +5-10
  • Parametric EQ (subtractive; with Lo/Hi Pass, DeEss, De-HVAC etc.)
  • Dynamics for Compressor (settings: 1.7-2.0 Ratio, 250 delay, Threshold where appropriate for -3 to -6db of compression, then add Makeup until voice is hitting -3/-6)
  • Parametric EQ (additive; Vocal Enhancer Preset, drop 10kHz range down 3dB.
  • Hard Limiter –1dB
  • Master Track – Hard Limiter -1dB

Field Video Recording

For Landscape and Vertical/Portrait resolution dimensions, see Deliverable Quality and Resolution section above

Record interviews at 24 (or 25 where needed due to flicker/refresh rate of 50Hz)

If possible, record b-roll at 50-120fps, intended for slow-motion playback in the edit. Maintain a 180* shutter angle, or a shutter speed that is double your framerate

Please record with a “Rec-709-type” look baked into the footage.

Do not send LOG, flat, raw, etc.

Record progressive footage. Do not record interlaced footage.

Capture room tone audio when possible.

Slate or audio slate when possible.

Any production notes from the shoot would be helpful in context to the editor.

Wide main angle – Typically 28-50mm.

CU slightly off-axis of A-cam – Typically 35-85mm.

Only a slight contrast on the face between the key and fill lighting.

Ensure content releases have been signed and sent to your Emarsys contact.

Otherwise, written permission for using video recordings should be obtained via email prior to editing/distribution.

Example screenshot, good contrast

Example screenshot – good contrast

Editing + Templates

Project Folder Structure Templates include:

  • Premiere Pro + After Effects standard project file
  • Premiere Pro social snippet template
  • Premiere Pro Lower Third name + title graphics .mogrt files
  • Animated Logo files
  • Premiere Pro Captions style presets
  • Export presets

Cross Dissolves should be .5 seconds in length. 15 frames duration for 24, 25, 30fps sequences. For sequences that are 8-15fps, divide in half for your cross-dissolve duration.

Lower Thirds

Always identify the interviewee in the following order:

  • Line 1: Name, Credentials if applicable (MD, SPHR, PhD, etc.)
  • Line 2: Title, Team if applicable, Region if applicable
  • Line 3: Organisation

The accent box color should match the branding of the project you are working on. By default this color is Peri 6 (#678EF9).

Placement guidance - Your LT text should touch the bottom edge and left or right edge of the title-safe guides

Screenshots and Annotations

For annotations, we are using two different elements. For one the context bubbles and the curved arrow with text are both in Peri 10 (#11328F).

In general, texts should be as short as possible and shown long enough.


Context bubblesbetter for short text


Curved arrow with text – better for longer description


If you need to show a device like a laptop, computer display, phone, or tablet, please use the Emarsys branded devices.

Appropriate drop shadows should be added beneath the device and to separate the device screen content from the device itself.

Download the Emarsys Video Assets

Please request the password from your Emarsys contact.