Corporate, characteristic, connective.
As an SAP Company, Emarsys uses the SAP corporate font 72 Brand. This not only emphasizes the visual connection between Emarsys and SAP, but also bridges the gap between both brand systems.
Font Styles
72 Brand is our primary typeface. Use it whenever possible.
When we can’t use 72 Brand we use Arial, a system font, as a substitute (e.g. email, HTML texts, etc.).
Please install the corporate Font 72 Brand to your operating system to ensure correct display of fonts in other assets.
Font Color
When pairing color with type, ensure communications are readable and engaging, without detracting from content.
The rules should help format basic layouts and are best practices for the design at Emarsys.
Color Contrast
While high-contrast combinations like black and white offer clarity, color can help add depth and expression to messaging. To ensure text has sufficient contrast in brightness from its background, use the following guidance when pairing colors.
Large text above 24pt should have at least a 3:1 contrast ratio.
Smaller text below 24pt should have at least a 4.5:1 contrast ratio.
More information
For further details and facts about 72 Brand design features, weight range and best practices please visit
SAP Brand Site.
Chinese Translations
Print: Han Yi (汉仪大黑简,汉仪中黑简,汉仪中等线简,汉仪细等线简,汉仪特细等线简)
For Digital & Web: Microsoft YaHei
Latin characters: 72 Brand
Download the Emarsys Fonts
The Emarsys fonts 72 Brand and Han Yi/Microsoft YaHei are available for any Emarsys employee.
Just visit the SAP Brand Tools page and log in with SSO.