Graphic Patterns

Flexible, expressive, decorative.

Based on the Emarsys Slashes, the Emarsys graphic patterns allow branded communication when usage of images or pictograms is not possible nor wanted.

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Set on the 24° logo grid, the original logo slashes built the foundation of every Emarsys graphic pattern. There are four existing sizes of slashes: the original slash length, the 3/4 slash, the 1/2 slash and the 1/4 slash.


Pattern Variants

Applying different symmetrical operations such as movement, reflection and rotation to the slashes allows a broad range of expression. The logo grid is essential for the construction of all three brand patterns.

Wave Pattern

The wave pattern is constructed from the middle section of the Emarsys bug. With three copies of the postive and negative slashes vertically, the logo gets quoted in the design of the pattern. To preserve this recognition, the slashes can only be copied horizontally without limitation. This gets emphasized by coloring the positive and negative slashes with different color shades. The wave pattern is available with 4/4 and 3/4 slash length.


Dimensional Pattern

Using the same basic element from the Emarsys logo, the dimensional pattern now gets reflected vertically and horizontally. By duplicating this principle larger layout areas can be filled. This pattern is available with 3/4 and 1/2 slash length.


Arrow Pattern

The arrow pattern uses the overlapping slashes of the original logo, another major characteristics. With one rotation applied, this sets the basic foundation of this pattern. A column of arrows additionally gets reflected. It's essential that this pattern principle only gets applied on the 1/2 slashes.



Currently the Emarsys graphic patterns are only available for the Periwinkle Blue color palette. The secondary color palette will be supported very soon. Stay tuned!

Pattern Usage

Pattern are supposed to add more brand recognition to our assets. Nevertheless, they ask for space and need their dedicated area in each layout.

Color Contrast
Patterns always need to feature three color shades of a color tone. That allows 30 different variants for each pattern! We recommend to use stronger contrasts if the pattern stands alone. In combination with photography please use color combinations without too much contrast.


Pattern + Copy/Photgraphy
Copy is not allowed on top of any Emarsys graphic pattern. Please always separate the pattern from text elements and fill a separate security space with it.
Photography is allowed to stand next to a pattern, but only is allowed to cover when isolated. Please get in touch with Emarsys Creative Team in case you’re not sure how to use it.


Ratio + Slash Lengths
The slashes in each pattern are not allowed to be modified in any way such as size, direction or position. Slashes need to maintain their initial size when the logo grid gets applied on an asset.




Download the Graphic Patterns

Graphic Patterns will be made available very soon! Make sure to please keep checking back.

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